Satellite sensors provide global views of the ocean’s environmental conditions at spatial scales that complement and extend the measures obtained from research vessels and ocean buoys. CoastWatch and PolarWatch provide the satellite data, training, and expertise to help researchers, decision-makers, and the general public use satellite measurements to better understand and manage ocean resources. Our work involves several levels of engagement:

-Providing easy access to hundreds of satellite products for the US West Coast and the Polar Regions, and globally.

-Offering training in the discovery, download, and use of satellite products.

-Developing software tools to help users obtain and work with satellite data.

-Creating value-added products in response to the needs of our user-community.

-Partnering with our user-community to develop or improve applications that could benefit from using satellite data.

For more information, visit:

-CoastWatch West Coast Node

Top Photo Credit: NOAA (Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colon, Chief Scientist National Ice Center, licensed)